Sunday 12 December 2010

The bacterial vaginosis is different from a vaginal yeast


The bacterial vaginosis is different from a vaginal yeast

If it itches and burns in the genital area, increased vaginal discharge and genital odor is noticed, it can have various causes. Maybe a vaginal yeast behind it, maybe a vaginal infection by bacteria (bacterial vaginosis). The differences include:

1.The symptoms

1.1 - Fungal infection

- Itching
- Burning in the vaginal area
- friable whitish discharge, which later thin
- Redness and swelling
- sometimes pain during urination
- sometimes pain during sex

1.2 - Bacterial vaginosis

- unpleasant, fishy odor
- grayish to pale yellow bubble discharge that is thin
- occasional mild pain
- sometimes pain during sex
- pH in the vagina than 4.5. Can be determined with a special glove (or indicator paperstrips)

2.The causes

2.1 - Fungal infection

- Usually caused by the yeast Candida albicans. An imbalance in the vagina, mellitus, for example through the use of antibiotics, by conditions such as diabetes, through changes in hormone production during puberty, menstruation, pregnancy or menopause, stress, by excessive personal hygiene. Fungus are transmitted for example by wrong toilet hygiene, through shared towels, whirlpools and in sexual intercourse if the partner is infected.

2.2 - Bacterial vaginosis

- Usually caused by Bacteria - A defective colonization of the vagina with intestinal bacteria. Changes in the vaginal environment, such as by stress, by changes in hormone levels, the menstrual bleeding. Bacteria are often transmitted during sexual intercourse.

3.The risks

3.1 - Fungal infection

- Can be transferred at a birth to the child

3.2 - Bacterial vaginosis

- An increased risk of gynecological inflammations, such as the uterus or fallopian tubes, which at worst can lead to infertility. In pregnant women increases the likelihood of bacterial vaginosis on preterm labor, a premature rupture of membranes and fruit prematurely.

4.The therapy

4.1 - Fungal infection

- Can be treated with creams and vaginal tablets, which is also available without prescription at pharmacies.

- It is important to adhere to the instructions on the package and the treatment with the antifungal drug for as long as specified conduct, even if no complaints more noticeable.

- A doctor visit is necessary, if it occurs after about three days of antifungal therapy, no improvement, keep occurring, fungal infections, pregnancy and there is doubt whether it is in fact vaginal fungus.

- Following a vaginal fungal treatment, a Milchsäurekur for a healthy vaginal environment and thus provide support for the contested vaginalis here to regenerate.

4.2 - Bacterial vaginosis

- A bacterial infection is treated with antibiotics, for example in the form of vaginal cream, suppositories or tablets.

- Pregnant women should treat bacterial vaginosis even when they have no symptoms, especially as this increases the risk of preterm birth. This further helps the gynecologist.

5.The precautionary

5.1 - Fungal infection

- Wipe the toilet accessible from the front to rear.

- Wash the genital area as possible with clean water.

- You should not use sprays.

- Do not use air-tight panty liners.

- Wear the cotton underwear and change it every day

- Do not use tight, synthetic clothing.

- Out of your wet bathing suits are made immediately.

- Sit in the sauna always on your towel.

- Use of sex condoms with a new partner.

- With increased vulnerability, can strengthen the vaginal flora with a Milchsäurekur.

5.2 - Bacterial vaginosis

- Having sex with a new partner you should always use condoms.

- Avoid stress and build him a targeted manner.

- Check the pH in the vagina. There are a glove with a finger mounted on pH paper.

- At high sensitivity, it is recommended, for example, stabilize the vaginal flora on a regular basis with a Lactic acid.

- Wipe the toilet accessible from the front to rear.


  • 18 April 2012 at 22:53

    Several factors which are part of our daily life can easily cause the development of Yeast Infections. Bubble baths, soaps, sprays and perfumes for women as well as vaginal contraceptives can cause skin rashes with itching in the genital area, while tight or non-absorbent clothing can sometimes cause burning rashes. It should also be said that an irritated area is more susceptible to infection than a normal one, the growth of microorganisms causing the infection is most favored by hot and humid environments. So we must try to get rid from it as soon as possible...
    Candida Albican

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